Private or Public School For Your Children?

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Private preschools
Parents make a lot of tough and important decisions for their children. They make these decisions from the moment they give birth. They choose to vaccinate them, what to feed them and even which medical providers they see. As they get older, they make decisions as to how to teach them things, what school they should attend and when they should begin attending school. The school part brings up many of its own questions and decisions that parents are responsible for making. They must decide what age they should begin school, if they should attend a preschool program or not and if they should attend private school or public school.
A lot of studies show many advantages to children attending preschool prior to regular, full day school. The preschool programs can make the transition easier for them and can prepare them for the necessary skills of kindergarten and elementary school. Studies show that children who attend a preschool program prior to entering elementary school are better prepared and can pick up on the lessons easier. Preschoolers use math and numbers every day when they count milk cartons for lunch or figure out how many children are at a table. They work with geometric shapes such as triangles, rectangles and squares in the block center and through art projects. Also in preschool, kids will learn to recognize and name all 26 uppercase letters and some lowercase letters (lowercase letters are harder to learn at this age). These skills will better prepare them for the lessons that will be taught in the elementary school level.
There are also different types and levels of preschool for a parent to decide on. The best preschool for a child will depend on many factors, including how emotionally prepared they are for a preschool program, there current educational knowledge and their ability to interact with other children. There are also different types of early education, making it easier to find the best program to take advantage of benefits private preschool for children. A full year preschool works the same school year as regular school does. If children are not quite ready for a full year, they can attend preschool half of the year and can attend for either the full day or half of the day. There are benefits private school for any amount of exposure to early childhood education.
There are also many benefits private preschool. The benefits private preschool includes smaller class sizes, more personalized attention and more educationally aware activities. Everything that a child does is to prepare them for higher education or to increase their social of educational skills. The preparation for college should begin as early as possible. One of the biggest advantages of private schools is that they are very focused on getting each and every child into college. Students who attend private schools generally have higher rates of graduation and acceptance into college. They have been working for much of their life on being accepted into college. Private schools provide more intense classes, better test preparations and the necessary extra curricular activities. The private school tuition may worry some parents, but children are more likely to receive grants and scholarships when college time comes.
Parents make a lot of tough decisions for their children. They must decide on their education early on. They must choose between entering into a preschool program before kindergarten and they must choose between private and public school. Studies show many benefits to attending a preschool program and to choosing a private school over public. Children?s social and education skills seem to be more advanced and ready for elementary school.

Four Things to Consider When Choosing Between Public or Private Preschool

Written by Reference Book on . Posted in Full year preschool, Kla preschool, Kla schools coconut creek reviews

Childrens educational classes programs coconut cre
It is widely accepted that early education and development of a child go hand-in-hand. Studies show that children who participate in early childhood education before they are in grade schools develop social and emotional skills, pick up the foundation of their education (such as learning their letters, numbers, colors, and so on), and develop fine motor skills and the ability to pay attention for longer spans of time. These are all attributes that make them successful throughout their educational careers.
Benefits of Private Preschool vs Public Preschool
  1. Faith-based curriculum. Public preschools are supported and subsidized by the federal government, and so they do not include any faith-based education.

    On the other hand, some — but not all — private schools uphold faith-based values. If providing a faith-based education is important to you, opting to put your child in a private school will be your best option. If you are neutral or opposed to a faith-based education, there are variety of private schools who do not involve faith principles, so either public or private school may meet your needs.

  2. Educational philosophies. If you choose to enroll your child in a public preschool, the education provided to them will be mandated and facilitated by the state. Researching what teaching practices are used in your school district is an important factor to consider. Some teaching practices, such as common core, tend to have highly controversial opinions associated with them. Understanding these learning concepts and how you feel about them is an important factor.

    Conversely, private schools do not have to follow the same educational philosophies that public schools do. Many private schools follow the teaching practices of specific educational philosophies, such as Montessori or Waldorf (to name a few). If there is a teaching philosophy that you particularly subscribed to, you will have better luck finding a private preschool that aligns with it than you will in a public preschool.

  3. Disciplinary practices. While the way the teacher interacts with the students may depend on the personality and characteristics of the actual teacher who your child works with, choosing a school whose disciplinary policy aligned with yours is incredibly important. Both private and public schools should have some sort of policy in place for when a child needs to be corrected (which is unavoidable when you get 20 or more preschool-age children in a single room). Before choosing whether to put your child in a public preschool or private preschool, closely consider how you feel they should be treated if they need to be corrected, and make sure the school that you enroll them in aligns with that.

  4. Structure. Many public preschools are required to be results-driven. A key indicator in a way school success rate is through testing. As such, the public school is driven to teach the children to pass tests, rather than fostering their talents and desire to learn.

    Some education experts do not believe that testing is a valuable way to gauge a child’s learning, nor is it helpful in their education. Sometimes, private schools utilize play-based learning, which does not involve schoolwork or testing of any kind, to help a child the dock a love of learning. Having a love of learning is important attribute that will serve them throughout their life. If this is a value that is important to you, it is important to find a school that helps your child learn by engaging in the magnificent world around them, rather than memorizing facts.
Do you have any other tips for choosing between private preschool vs public preschool? Please continue this conversation in the comment section below!