Choosing the Right College For You

Written by Reference Book on . Posted in Effective communication, Family studies degree, Secondary education

Psychology degree
Choosing a college after high school can be difficult. You may not be entirely decided on what type of degree you want to pursue. You are probably overwhelmed at all of the different college options. You have to make decisions such as where you will live, how you will get to and from college and what types of classes you will make. You also have to go through the process of applying for college, waiting on acceptance or rejection letters. How do you go about choosing which college is right for you and your educational goals? Choosing to work towards a secondary education is a major accomplishment in itself. You have chosen to further your education. This will help you in your financial future and will open up all types of new job opportunities. In fact, in a 2012 Pew Research report, workers with at least a bachelor?s degree had median annual earnings of $45,500, well over the medians for people with only some college ($30,000) or a high school diploma ($28,000).
Having a college degree also lowers your chances of being unemployed. Not going to college will cost you about half a million dollars (when you take into account average additional wages, etc). The type of work that you are employed in will depend on the degree that you complete and the type of internship experiences you participate in during your college education.
Location is an important part in choosing the right college for your needs. Although you may be tempted to choose a college campus that is far away from home, this is not always the best idea. The support of family and friends nearby can be helpful in completing a college degree. College in Rhode Island with family nearby can make completing the degree easier. It may also be beneficial to go to college in the city you hope to work in once you graduate. This where you will do all of your networking and will create all of your career relationships. College in Rhode Island will open you up to professional references and career opportunities in the state of Rhode Island.
If you have a program of study in mind already, you may want to research schools to find one that has a good program in your intended field of study. For example, if you have decided to major in and achieve a family studies degree, you will want to find a program that offers a family studies degree in your college level.
It is also important to find a school that has programs for your level of college. If you are pursuing your Masters degree, for example, you will want to find a college with your intended field of study in a Master program. It is more crucial that you have an intended plan of study at the Master?s level of education than it is when first entering college.
If you plan to live on campus, you will want to do the necessary research into the college dorms or apartments. You will want to look for housing options that provide you with all of the needed amenities and any recreational activities that you enjoy. A college student with good social and living support tends to do better in school. This is also where you will develop your interpersonal skills. Adult education varies from high school in that you will be living with some of these people for four years. You will want to choose wisely. When choosing college in Rhode Island, you may also look at neighboring apartments too.
Approximately 83% of all college attendees say earning their degree has paid off. Completing a college degree tends to translate to higher earnings and better job satisfaction. When choosing a college in Rhode Island or anywhere else in the country, you will want to carefully select the right college for you by choosing one that is in a good geographical location, provides good social and interpersonal support for you and has convenient living options.

Considering Getting a Master of Business Administration? Here Are Some Reasons Why You Should

Written by Reference Book on . Posted in Human development degree, Secondary education

Masters degree

It is no secret that people with more education make more money than those with less. In 2012 a Pew Research report looked at the earning potential of college graduates and non-college graduates. People who had at least a bachelors degree average annual salary was $45,500. This is a good deal more than people who had some college but no degree, they make $30,000 a year. People with only a high school diploma average $28,000. When asked, 83% of people who have finished college say that it “has paid off.” Moreover, nearly 90% of Millennials with college degrees were employed in 2013. That says a lot for staying in school. There are a lot of people who are on the fence about continuing past the bachelor’s degree. Getting a master of business administration degree takes a lot of work and time but is it worth it? Here are some reasons why it is.

  • This will increase your earning potential. Employees who have this kind of degree will earn a much higher salary than their colleagues who do not have one. People with this kind of masters degree have average salaries that start at $70,000 and the sky is the limit from there. Within just a few years, you will make back what you paid for the degree. The return on investment is very high with this kind of degree.
  • You will expand your career opportunities. People who have a master of business administration degree have a lot more career doors open for them than people who do not have this kind of degree. Graduate level degrees like this one help people qualify for higher level jobs in a number of different business and government sectors. Some estimates have the number of people with a master of business administration having upper level management positions at 70%. It it worth noting that these jobs pay more but also require a lot more time at the office.
  • Your business network will expand. Students in various mater of business administration degree programs will be exposed to some amazing networking opportunities. The jobs that people with this kind of masters degree get are not often listed on Craigslist or on Monster or Career Builder. Many people get their jobs through networking, the importance of which cannot be overstated. The chance to expand your network is huge and can make all the difference in finding new a job or getting to go to work for a company or organization you admire. Expanding your business network can only help your career.
  • You can grow your knowledge base. Sometimes this part of an educational program gets overlooked. When you are studying for your master of business administration degree, you learn something. Your skill set and knowledge base will also be expanded when you get this kind of degree. Going back to school for a master of business administration degree forces a lot of people to leave their comfort zone behind. Most entrepreneurs know that it is hard to get out of your comfort zone but no real growth can happen when you are in it. Going back to school makes you challenge yourself and it gives you the skills to keep challenging yourself when you have completed your degree.
  • It can change your perspective on the world of business. When you are working on your masters of business administration degree, you enter a new network and gain a new skill set but you also may find your perspective on the world of business changes to become more holistic one. You will become more attuned to subtle changes and shifts in the business world. This is why people with this kind of degree can command higher salaries. You will gain an insight into how businesses work. Your insight will make you a valuable asset to any company or organization who hires you when you are done with your program and have your degree.

Many people spend some time working before they begin a master of business administration program. If you do this, you will find getting a master of business administration, either right after college or not, is worth the work and effort.
