Are you interested in exploring new subjects for the sheer joy of learning about them? Or perhaps you’ve just heard about a promotional opportunity at work and you want to expand your skill set. Whether you consider yourself to be a personal or a professional learner, there are a variety of reasons for expanding your knowledge through online learning.
Personal Learners
Personal learners are individuals that participate in activities that interest them. The reason they engage in personal learning is to increase their knowledge and abilities. A recent survey showed that over the past 12 months, 74% of the adult participants were considered to be personal learners.
Whether it’s reading, taking courses, attending meet-ups, listening to webinars, or other types of online lectures, many adults are interested in enriching their lives by exploring and expanding their interests. Furthermore, many adults are curious about subjects that they may not have had the time to pursue earlier. As a result, they are now creating the time to explore these interests.
Since adults engage in personal learning for a variety of reasons, you might be interested to learn more about what they have said about their motivations and experiences:
- To feel more capable and well-rounded: 87%
- To gain new perspectives on life: 69%
- To make new friends: 64%
- To feel more connected to their local community: 58%
- To become involved with volunteer opportunities: 43%
- To learn something to make their life more interesting and full: 80%
- To be able to help others more effectively: 64%
- To occupy their extra time: 60%
- To turn their hobbies into income-generating opportunities: 36%
- To keep up with schoolwork their children, grandchildren, and other children are doing: 33%
Due to engaging in personal learning, many adults make meaningful discoveries and connections along the way. In short, their lives, and the lives or others, are enriched as a result.
Professional Learners
Professional learners are adults that are taking a course or engaging in additional training to improve or expand their job skills. While they may usually be motivated to do so for career advancement, many adults may be exploring new career options.
Within the last 12 months, a recent survey indicated that 63% of employed adults have taken at least 1 course or completed some type of additional training. The major motivation for 46% of the participating online learners was career advancement.
The Benefits of Online Learning
Have you ever completed an online class, participated in a webinar, or attended online lectures? If not, you may be interested in exploring online opportunities for both personal and professional learning.
There are several benefits to attending online lectures and courses. In addition to being able to balance family, work, and social responsibilities with greater ease, you can study any time or anywhere that is convenient for you.
The Babson Survey Research group released a report in 2013. The report indicated that 6 million students have taken at least 1 course online. Furthermore, students in higher education are also increasing the number of online courses that they’re taking as well. It’s been shown that 32% of students in this category have taken at least 1 online course.
Whether you are interested in personal learning, professional learning, or a combination of both, online lectures and home study courses are available.