Five Reasons Parents Love Private School

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Miami private schools
We are confident that you want to give your child every possible advantage to thrive and succeed in life. That is every parent’s hope and dream for their child. For this reason, you may be considering enrolling your kid in a private school for either their entire educational career, from preschool through high school, or portion of their education (perhaps you want them to attend a private middle school, while they are developing critical skills to give them success in high school and college).

This is probably a great idea; private schools have a reputation for excelling in academics and preparing students for a successful path in life. In fact, studies show that SAT scores among students who attended a private school are typically higher in all categories (math, writing, and reading) than their public school counterparts. Additionally, private schools offer other opportunities that help a child gain their own identities and develop their personal set of strengths to succeed in life.

However, every child is unique and every family situation is unique. Private school is not necessarily a one-size-fits-all solution. Identifying the best educational situation for your child takes research and investigation of all of your options. There is no standard right or wrong answer when determining the best fit for your family, but here are a few reasons parents opt to send their kids to private school:
  1. Class Size
    Private schools are typically smaller in size than public schools. In fact, on average, a private high school is less than half of the size of its public counterparts. What does this mean for you? Smaller schools often equal smaller class sizes, which could result in individualized attention for students. In public schools, the average class size has 24; a private school class size is typically about 18 students. Have a lower teacher to student ratio reduces the likelihood of your child getting lost in the sauce and overlooked. This is particularly beneficial if your child is timid and likely to fade into the background in a large group.

  2. Family Participation
    Most private schools function through a partnership between the student’s family and the administration. This partnership while providing an education to the child helps tailor a learning environment that perfectly meets their needs. Parent participation comes through frequent parent/teacher conferences, regular channels of communication, and even volunteer expectations for parents. While this may require extra time and effort from the families of private school students, 91% of parents of private school students say that they appreciate having direct involvement in their child’s education process.

  3. Teacher Training
    It is not uncommon for private school teachers to be required to have higher level credentials than public school teachers. Typically, a public school teacher needs a bachelors degree and a teaching certification to be qualified to teach. On the other hand, many private school teachers have to required to have master’s degree education levels and specialization in order to serve at a private school.

    The greater education level and ongoing training of private school teachers sometimes results in higher quality education provided to the children. Furthermore, the partnership between parents and teachers encourages greater dedication from the teachers and gives the child in excellent opportunity for a great educational experience.

  4. Specialization
    Public schools provide general education as mandated by the state, whereas private schools often focus on specific areas of learning and offer greater opportunities in their specialization. It is very common for private schools to focus on math and science or arts, or even career preparations, such as medical, technical, or engineering focuses. Many private schools offer honors programs or excel in athletics, which gives a student advantages when applying to college.

  5. Safety
    Every parent, with no exception, cares about their child’s safety above all. While public schools have security measures in place to protect the children, parents often feel more secure about their child’s well-being in private schools. In fact, over 72% of private school parents cite safety as one of the greatest advantages to their child’s private education.
To Sum it Up
Private schools are not the single right answer for every child. However, the class sizes, parental involvement, teacher preparation, additional opportunities, and safety offered in private school make a great option for most kids.