Have you been considering the benefits of a college education? What about a graduate degree? If you’ve been in the work force for some time and aren’t advancing at the rate you desire, then you may want to begin attending or return to college.
How much are you currently earning an hour? Were you aware that the average hourly wage is roughly $32.60 for college graduates? If you’re interested in majoring in English, for example, an average starting salary might be $36,200. This will, of course, depend on they type of position you hold and where you work.
If you currently have a a bachelor’s degree in English, you could expect your mid-level annual salary to be approximately $63,500. Again, this will depend on the type of position that you will hold at that time. Since you most likely want to advance professionally, have you considered applying to a master’s degree program? In addition to masters degree in adult education, there are other program options available that may be of interest to you.
Holding a college degree can potentially increase your employment options as well as your earning power. According to a 2012 Pew Research report, individuals with a minimum of a bachelor’s degree earned an average of $45,500 a year. Employees that had completed some college coursework earned $30,000, and those with just a high-school diploma earned $28,000.
In 2013, data shows that 89% of college-educated Millennials were employed full-time. During the same year, college-educated Americans in general earned an average of 98% more than their non-degreed counterparts.
More adults are realizing that obtaining a college education will increase their employment opportunities. As a result, approximately 21 million adults attended college in 2014 alone. A recent survey showed that 83% of college graduates stated that their degrees made a difference.
What career paths interest you? What have you always imagined doing? You may, for example, be interested in history or psychology. Approximately 11% of college graduates majored in history, while roughly 6% majored in psychology. Both of these degrees can potentially lead to several different types of career paths, especially when you also complete an advanced degree.
Have you considered pursuing an early education degree or a communications degree? Both of these can lead to exciting and meaning careers. If you do choose to pursue an early education degree, you may discover that you want to obtain a masters degree in psychology or a related field to enhance your knowledge base and skills.
Whatever program you choose, whether it’s an early education degree, or any other degree program, it’s important to note that many adults return to school after raising families and being in the workforce. If you were unable to attend college when you were younger, isn’t it time for you to make your career dreams a reality?