Are You in Search of a Private School?

Private schools in coral gables

Benefits of Private School Education

  • Ask all of the questions you have. If you run out of time on the visit, you can use an email follow up to ask about other information that you may need.
  • Be sure to talk to any of the employees you encounter when you are on your visit. The administration may give you one impression about their facility, but the teachers who work with the children can provide a perspective as well.
  • Children know best. Although it can be very difficult for a child to attend preschool for the very first time, it is important to pay close attention to how your child reacts to the preschools that you visit.
  • Daycare centers can be different from preschools. What are you looking for? Are you looking for a location where your child can socialize, or is the education piece important to you?
  • Enjoy the visits you make. Approach each center with an open mind. Sometimes the newest and ?shiniest? places are not always the best. Remember, you cannot judge a book by its cover.
  • Follow the child. If you are looking at a Montessori preschool, look for works that are made from natural materials and are neatly arranged on the child size shelves throughout the room.
  • Girls and boys who are happy are an indicator of a preschool setting that is doing many things right.
  • Happy children are one of the top benefits of private school education.
  • Iintiate conversation with other parents who have their children at a center. Scheduling a tour near the end of the day when children are being picked up can give you access to the these valuable resources.
  • Jumping, running, crawling, and even crawling space is important for the development of your children. Make sure that the playground equipment is age appropriate, but also check to make sure that it allows and promotes a variety of movement opportunities.
  • Keep detailed notes of the places that you visit. You may think that you will be able to remember the differences between the locations that you visit, but the process can be confusing. Well written notes will help you remember the strengths and weaknesses of each location.
  • Look at the diversity of the children in the classroom. For many parents, having their children in a setting that more accurately reflects the world that we live in.
  • Money matters. Some preschools are affordable and some are very expensive. It is important to understand your budget before you begin your search.
  • Noise levels can tell you a lot about a center. Chaotic classrooms where children seem to be anxious can be a warning sign of a center that does not have the strongest classroom management.
  • Only children need parents who will pay special attention to the preschool they select. One challenge of not having any siblings is that the preschool environment will need to help teach many of the needed social skills.
  • Payment options that allow for automatic withdrawal or credit card charges are often more convenient from families.
  • Quiet rest time in an infant room can indicate a school that follows a pretty regular schedule.
  • Realizing the benefits of private school education is growing across the country as public schools come under increased scrutiny.
  • Science can be fun. Preschool opportunities where community educators come in to present the fun of science indicate that the curriculum focuses on teaching the fun of science.
  • The benefits of private school education, preschool through high school, include the fact that 80% of these parents are happy with the academic standards and smaller class sizes which are 12.5 students for each teacher compared to 15.4 students in public school.
  • Underlying feelings are warnings. If you do not get a good vibe from a center, move onto another. You are the parent and you have to feel good about the school.
  • Visually appealing spaces can be an indicator of a building and an environment that is well maintained.
  • Water pitchers that allow children to get their own drinks are an indicator that the school is promoting independence.
  • Xylophones, drums, chimes, and other music instruments that promote music education are indicators of a school that promotes individual creativity.
  • Young children should enjoy their classrooms and teachers.
  • Zippers, buttons, and tie frames are another indicator of a preschool that provides the children an environment to practice skills that will make them more independent.

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