The Benefits of Getting a Continued Education

1. It Pays Off The opportunity cost of not going to college will cost you about half a million dollars, taking into account average additional wages and bonuses. The truth is that the education is worth it, in the form of connections, reputation, and increased specialization. In fact, 83% of all college attendees say that their degree has “paid off.”
2. It Will Nurture Your Passion Whether you are passionate about communications and plan to pursue a career in public relations, or you love literature and are interested in pursuing publishing, adult education will indulge the things you are the most interested in. The chance to learn a field inimitably, from theory to history to current affairs, will give you the in depth knowledge you’ll need to succeed in it later on. And don’t think that studying academic subjects will leave you behind — English majors with only bachelors degrees reported average starting salaries of $36,200 and mid career salaries of $63,500.
3. Networking Do you know why Greek organizations like social and academic fraternities and sororities started? It was because of the need to form a solid alumni basis for communicating later in the students life — i.e. as a networking resource. Communications majors can tell you the importance of knowing people and fostering relationships in the field, whether it be to find jobs or organize groups and events.
Don’t be afraid! Continuing your education later in life does not mean you’ll fall behind — in fact, it is a well-worth it investment in your future and ability to get ahead. Take a chance on yourself and go back to school.