How Can Suboxone Help With a Detox?

The detoxing phase can produce painful withdrawal symptoms and extreme depression. The medicine Suboxone, which combines the drugs buprenorphine and naloxone, offers some relief. The YouTube channel Drug Rehab Clinics looks at how Suboxone can help you through a detox.
It used to be that only a Suboxone doctor was legally allowed to write prescriptions. Changes in recent years have made it legal for any doctor to write a Suboxone prescription.
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Since it is possible to become addicted to Suboxone, you will only be allowed to stay on the drug for under one year.
Suboxone is available in pills and strips. Many people find the strips easier to use. Simply place it under the tongue and allow it to melt. Pills can also come in a melting form so they do not need to be swallowed. Neither form is better than the other.
Suboxone is not a wonder drug. Although it helps ease withdrawal pains, it does not offer a cure for addiction. Addicts still need to learn new ways of coping with stress rather than reaching for opiate drugs. It’s best to use suboxone as part of a rehabilitation process, including a stay in an addiction treatment center, or as part of an outpatient rehabilitation program.