The Benefits of a Private School Education

A private school education can be a great way to educate a child who is academically minded. If you are looking for a middle school, you can search through the business listings to find a complete list of the private schools in your area. If you are looking for an accredited private kindergarten near me, it can be best to have a kindergarten that also includes an elementary school so that your child won’t have to change schools.

A middle school in a private school should have a curriculum that is at least as challenging as the state’s curriculum, but private schools usually strive to have stronger academics. An accredited online private school should also have at least the curriculum of the state as well as slightly harder material that a public school might not have. One of the other great things about private schools is that they tend to hire highly trained teachers who are good at what they do. They don’t have unionized teachers, so they can fire any teachers who don’t do well. They tend to have more advanced classes and give the students the help they need to understand the material as well as possible.

The decision to send a child to a private or public school is a very personal one. There are good things about both public and private schools and each family and situation is unique. People who are considering sending their children to private schools do so for a wide variety of reasons. The parents of children in elementary school might be looking to see how to make sure their kids get to go to the best academy middle or high school, for instance.

Benefits to Sending a Child to Private School

  • The class size is smaller. This is true across the board. Private school classrooms have a much lower student to teacher ratio. That means each student gets more of the instructor’s time and attention. For students who need some extra help, there is more time to get that in a private school setting. Also, students who are struggling do not stand as much of a chance to be lost or to fall “through the cracks” as they might in a larger, public school classroom.
  • The schools are smaller. The size of the entire school is smaller in a private school than in a public one. Most of the private schools in the United States are much smaller than their public school counterparts. Almost 90% of all private schools across the country have less than 300 students in the entire school. On average, private high schools have half the number of students as public high schools.
  • Students in private school do better academically. Students in private schools perform better on standardized tests than those enrolled in public schools. The SAT scores for public school students were on average 497 reading, 489 for writing and 514 for math. Private school students scored an average of 541 for reading, 550 for writing and 579 for math. Many private schools have different sets of standards for their students than public schools and it is more difficult to advance from one grade to the next. Some students in public schools, by contrast are passed along to the next grade when they may not actually be ready. If you are concerned about preparing your kids for the best academy middle school, for example, sending them to a private elementary school might be a better option. Schools like the best academy middle school may offer the best program for your child.
  • Private schools are safer. In 2007, the Fraser Institute surveyed the parents of children in private schools. At least 72% of the parents said they felt their children were safe at school. This is not just a question of safety from crime from the outside, though that is a concern for too many parents today, but private schools tend to be more strict and discipline students more harshly. This prevents disruptive students from becoming a danger to other students as well as keeps the focus on the academics rather than on student antics.
  • Many private schools have the flexibility to focus on arts education. Students who are interested in art and performance programs may find more opportunities to study those disciplines at private schools than they would in public schools. This may be just the thing your child needs to help them discover and develop their artistic sides. Many experts now think that a strong background in the arts is one of the best ways to prepare a person for success later in life.
  • Private schools are better able to prepare students for college. Because they have tougher standards and make it harder to get the better grades, students who go to the best academy middle school and high school are better able to be accepted into colleges and then succeed in them once they are there. It is not always enough to make sure a student gets into college and many private schools understand this. They structure their curriculums to not just get students into the colleges they want to attend but help them excel once they get there.

Only you know what it the right decision for your kids and your family. Picking the best academy middle school or high school is something you need to talk to you family and children about.