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Choosing the Right College For You

Written by Reference Book on . Posted in Effective communication, Family studies degree, Secondary education

Psychology degree
Choosing a college after high school can be difficult. You may not be entirely decided on what type of degree you want to pursue. You are probably overwhelmed at all of the different college options. You have to make decisions such as where you will live, how you will get to and from college and what types of classes you will make. You also have to go through the process of applying for college, waiting on acceptance or rejection letters. How do you go about choosing which college is right for you and your educational goals? Choosing to work towards a secondary education is a major accomplishment in itself. You have chosen to further your education. This will help you in your financial future and will open up all types of new job opportunities. In fact, in a 2012 Pew Research report, workers with at least a bachelor?s degree had median annual earnings of $45,500, well over the medians for people with only some college ($30,000) or a high school diploma ($28,000).
Having a college degree also lowers your chances of being unemployed. Not going to college will cost you about half a million dollars (when you take into account average additional wages, etc). The type of work that you are employed in will depend on the degree that you complete and the type of internship experiences you participate in during your college education.
Location is an important part in choosing the right college for your needs. Although you may be tempted to choose a college campus that is far away from home, this is not always the best idea. The support of family and friends nearby can be helpful in completing a college degree. College in Rhode Island with family nearby can make completing the degree easier. It may also be beneficial to go to college in the city you hope to work in once you graduate. This where you will do all of your networking and will create all of your career relationships. College in Rhode Island will open you up to professional references and career opportunities in the state of Rhode Island.
If you have a program of study in mind already, you may want to research schools to find one that has a good program in your intended field of study. For example, if you have decided to major in and achieve a family studies degree, you will want to find a program that offers a family studies degree in your college level.
It is also important to find a school that has programs for your level of college. If you are pursuing your Masters degree, for example, you will want to find a college with your intended field of study in a Master program. It is more crucial that you have an intended plan of study at the Master?s level of education than it is when first entering college.
If you plan to live on campus, you will want to do the necessary research into the college dorms or apartments. You will want to look for housing options that provide you with all of the needed amenities and any recreational activities that you enjoy. A college student with good social and living support tends to do better in school. This is also where you will develop your interpersonal skills. Adult education varies from high school in that you will be living with some of these people for four years. You will want to choose wisely. When choosing college in Rhode Island, you may also look at neighboring apartments too.
Approximately 83% of all college attendees say earning their degree has paid off. Completing a college degree tends to translate to higher earnings and better job satisfaction. When choosing a college in Rhode Island or anywhere else in the country, you will want to carefully select the right college for you by choosing one that is in a good geographical location, provides good social and interpersonal support for you and has convenient living options.

Why You Can’t Afford NOT to go to College

Written by Reference Book on . Posted in College ri, Family studies degree, Masters degrees in communications

Medical laboratory science degree
Most people want to further their education. However, not everyone has the opportunity to. Perhaps you jumped right into a career following high school. Maybe you had children young, and much of your life focuses on their day to day. As the years continue to pass, it becomes more difficult to go back to school for that degree. You fall into a routine and you find it impossible to break that routine to attend school. However, with the right school and the right plan, furthering your education and finally getting that college degree is possible.
A college degree often leads to better jobs and additional income. In a 2012 Pew Research report, workers with at least a Bachelor?s degree had median annual earnings of $45,500, well over the medians for people with only some college ($30,000) or a high school diploma ($28,000). Even those college graduates who find themselves in different career fields than they originally went to school for, tend to make more in their new career field.
You might think that you cannot afford college. College involves college tuition, book costs, sometimes room and board costs and it involves sacrifices such as reduced work time or required child care. However, it can actually cost you money to forego your college education. Not going to college will cost you about a half a million dollars (when you take into account average additional wages, etc). If you add together the additional pay that you will receive each hour, for the rest of your working life, you will find that you actually lose a lot to not attend school.
You might also think that college is pointless, if you do not have your area of study defined. This is far from the truth, however. Many incoming college freshman do not know what they want to major in yet. Most find thing information during their college education. Also, college graduates with a Bachelor?s degree in anything tend to make more than those without college educations.
A B.A. in English tends to be a popular degree. Many people are interested in reading and all of the skills that a B.A. in English can provide you with. You will further your reading and writing skills which can transfer to a variety of different jobs. A B.A. in English can also prepare you to go the academic route, furthering your education with an advanced degree or continuing on to teach other students going for a college education. Psychology is another common major. A B.A. in Psychology is similar to the same perks of an English degree. The B.A. in Psychology will provide you with a variety of interpersonal skills that can be transferred to almost any other job. The B.A. in English may sometimes be double majored in with the Psychology degree. About 6% of all college grads majored in Psychology. Other common degrees include communications major degree and a family studies degree. Sometimes the family studies degree may also be earned along with the Psychology degree.
Many adults will find that college is very different than high school. College programs are built around adult education. Most colleges understand that their students have previous priorities and responsibilities. They are more likely to work around school and children duties. They may have options to work or study from home and will be more lenient with testing and internship requirements.
Once you get out of the habit of schooling, it can be difficult to return for your college education. Each year that you put it off, you find it harder and harder to return. However, foregoing college can actually cost you a lot of money over your lifetime. Most college graduates earn more than those who did not graduate college. You will lose out on a lot of money over many years. Many students choose to study fields like communications, psychology and family studies. These degrees teach the students a variety of skills. Many of these skills can be passed onto additional fields of work.

Private High Schools Have Both Pros and Cons

Written by Reference Book on . Posted in Best middle schools in miami, Coral gables elementary school, Private middle school

Elementary private schools near me
When it comes to where your child goes for high school, you usually have two choices. You can send your child to regular public school or you can send him or her to a private high school. There are pros and cons to each option, and where you live, your religion and your financial situation will play big roles in where you send your child.
Most private schools are religion-based, especially in smaller cities and rural areas, so your religion could play a big role in where you send your child for his or her final years of school. Catholic schools are the most common, but non-denominational Christian schools also are popular. Lutheran congregations run their own schools in some parts of the country, especially the Midwest and Plains. Though many of these religious schools do not require students to practice that religion to attend, they do offer required religious instruction that follows their faith, so that is a major consideration for many people.
A big drawback of private schools is that they often aren’t available in small towns. In rural areas, sending your child to private school could mean having to drive an hour or more. Throw on top of that the tuition required and it can be a burden that many families can’t afford.
Private schools also have many benefits. One of those is smaller class sizes. Since private schools aren’t free and are selective in enrollment, they have fewer students, which means a lower student to teacher ratio. Another advantage to private schools is that kids who attend them tend to do better academically. Private school students are more likely to apply to college — 88% vs. 57% of public school students. Private school students also score higher on standardized tests, such as the SAT and ACT.
Of course, there are advantages that public schools have over even top ranked private high schools. For one thing, public high schools don’t cost you anything more than the property taxes you pay to support your local school district. In larger public high schools, they often have better facilities such as a larger school library and offer programs that may not be available in small private high schools, such as Russian or Chinese language programs.
Whatever choice you make for your child’s high school education, make sure you do your research so you can feel confident you are making the right decision.

Private or Public School For Your Children?

Written by Reference Book on . Posted in After school soccer programs, Kla schools coconut creek reviews, Learning adventures preschool coral springs

Private preschools
Parents make a lot of tough and important decisions for their children. They make these decisions from the moment they give birth. They choose to vaccinate them, what to feed them and even which medical providers they see. As they get older, they make decisions as to how to teach them things, what school they should attend and when they should begin attending school. The school part brings up many of its own questions and decisions that parents are responsible for making. They must decide what age they should begin school, if they should attend a preschool program or not and if they should attend private school or public school.
A lot of studies show many advantages to children attending preschool prior to regular, full day school. The preschool programs can make the transition easier for them and can prepare them for the necessary skills of kindergarten and elementary school. Studies show that children who attend a preschool program prior to entering elementary school are better prepared and can pick up on the lessons easier. Preschoolers use math and numbers every day when they count milk cartons for lunch or figure out how many children are at a table. They work with geometric shapes such as triangles, rectangles and squares in the block center and through art projects. Also in preschool, kids will learn to recognize and name all 26 uppercase letters and some lowercase letters (lowercase letters are harder to learn at this age). These skills will better prepare them for the lessons that will be taught in the elementary school level.
There are also different types and levels of preschool for a parent to decide on. The best preschool for a child will depend on many factors, including how emotionally prepared they are for a preschool program, there current educational knowledge and their ability to interact with other children. There are also different types of early education, making it easier to find the best program to take advantage of benefits private preschool for children. A full year preschool works the same school year as regular school does. If children are not quite ready for a full year, they can attend preschool half of the year and can attend for either the full day or half of the day. There are benefits private school for any amount of exposure to early childhood education.
There are also many benefits private preschool. The benefits private preschool includes smaller class sizes, more personalized attention and more educationally aware activities. Everything that a child does is to prepare them for higher education or to increase their social of educational skills. The preparation for college should begin as early as possible. One of the biggest advantages of private schools is that they are very focused on getting each and every child into college. Students who attend private schools generally have higher rates of graduation and acceptance into college. They have been working for much of their life on being accepted into college. Private schools provide more intense classes, better test preparations and the necessary extra curricular activities. The private school tuition may worry some parents, but children are more likely to receive grants and scholarships when college time comes.
Parents make a lot of tough decisions for their children. They must decide on their education early on. They must choose between entering into a preschool program before kindergarten and they must choose between private and public school. Studies show many benefits to attending a preschool program and to choosing a private school over public. Children?s social and education skills seem to be more advanced and ready for elementary school.

The Peaceful Coexistence of Work and Parenting

Written by Reference Book on . Posted in Childcare in the workplace, Learning center for children, Looking for corporate daycare

Early child care programs
Every parent wants the best for his or her child, in every possible aspect of life. The best experiences, whether purely exciting or exploratory and educational in nature. The best care, whether through emotional support or financial stability. And though it may not always be the logically sound thing to do, the deep instinct of a parent is often to want to shield their children from any and every type of harm or pain, even if that discomfort might lead to growth in the end. Being a good parent can be a difficult balance, and there is certainly a lot of trial and error that comes with the territory. But the kind of balance that should not be an issue is that of work time and family time.

Balancing work and family
It is often an issue that comes up, for both mothers and fathers, but not for lack of good intentions. The struggle to balance a career and a family is difficult. Most parents will be able to express the desire to spend more time with their families, but today’s society does not make it easy. To live comfortably in today’s society, to attempt to reach that American dream that is dangled just out of our reach for so much of our lives, many families must have at least two incomes, which usually means that both parents are working. It often also means that there are single parents with two jobs and very little free time. This not only causes issues for carving out quality family time, but also for finding time for quality early child education.

The importance of the right early learning center for children
If you have to look for daycare, you should probably be looking for a quality early learning center for children, as opposed to an understaffed play pen of chaos or a babysitter who will plop your child down in front of the television for the duration of your work day. In the first several years of your child’s life, he or she has the ability to absorb more information at one time than they ever will again in their lives. In fact already by the age of three, a child has already developed about 1,000 trillion connections from cell to cell to cell within his or her brain, and that is two times as many as an average adult. So if you have to be absent for large chunks of time while you are at work, it is vital that your child has those opportunities to learn and grow in the right early learning center for children.

Seeking an early learning center for children in the workplace
Many people identify the United States as the greatest country in the world, and with good reason, however one of those reasons is most assuredly not the focus on family and encouragement of a healthy family unit, at least in comparison to the pressure that is put on individuals to succeed in the workplace. Around 90% of the expenses for child care in the United States are placed on the parents, and often at outrageous rates. One report issued by Child Care Aware of America showed that putting two kids into child care costs more than the median rent payments made yearly in every single state. So it is no surprise that many parents are looking for corporate daycare solutions.

Why we need childcare in the workplace
The problem could be solved with the addition of early child care programs in the workplace, and indeed, there are companies that are working toward turning things around for working parents. There are companies that provide onsite child care, sometimes free, sometimes subsidized, and these are the companies that are flourishing. Employers who provide such a service have seen higher productivity in their employees, as well as increased retention of employees and decreased absenteeism. Parents can focus on their work with the peace of mind that their children are nearby, being well care for and educated. Hopefully these companies will be the pioneers that the rest of businesses across the country decide to follow and model, making work and family time more compatible.

Considering Getting a Master of Business Administration? Here Are Some Reasons Why You Should

Written by Reference Book on . Posted in Human development degree, Secondary education

Masters degree

It is no secret that people with more education make more money than those with less. In 2012 a Pew Research report looked at the earning potential of college graduates and non-college graduates. People who had at least a bachelors degree average annual salary was $45,500. This is a good deal more than people who had some college but no degree, they make $30,000 a year. People with only a high school diploma average $28,000. When asked, 83% of people who have finished college say that it “has paid off.” Moreover, nearly 90% of Millennials with college degrees were employed in 2013. That says a lot for staying in school. There are a lot of people who are on the fence about continuing past the bachelor’s degree. Getting a master of business administration degree takes a lot of work and time but is it worth it? Here are some reasons why it is.

  • This will increase your earning potential. Employees who have this kind of degree will earn a much higher salary than their colleagues who do not have one. People with this kind of masters degree have average salaries that start at $70,000 and the sky is the limit from there. Within just a few years, you will make back what you paid for the degree. The return on investment is very high with this kind of degree.
  • You will expand your career opportunities. People who have a master of business administration degree have a lot more career doors open for them than people who do not have this kind of degree. Graduate level degrees like this one help people qualify for higher level jobs in a number of different business and government sectors. Some estimates have the number of people with a master of business administration having upper level management positions at 70%. It it worth noting that these jobs pay more but also require a lot more time at the office.
  • Your business network will expand. Students in various mater of business administration degree programs will be exposed to some amazing networking opportunities. The jobs that people with this kind of masters degree get are not often listed on Craigslist or on Monster or Career Builder. Many people get their jobs through networking, the importance of which cannot be overstated. The chance to expand your network is huge and can make all the difference in finding new a job or getting to go to work for a company or organization you admire. Expanding your business network can only help your career.
  • You can grow your knowledge base. Sometimes this part of an educational program gets overlooked. When you are studying for your master of business administration degree, you learn something. Your skill set and knowledge base will also be expanded when you get this kind of degree. Going back to school for a master of business administration degree forces a lot of people to leave their comfort zone behind. Most entrepreneurs know that it is hard to get out of your comfort zone but no real growth can happen when you are in it. Going back to school makes you challenge yourself and it gives you the skills to keep challenging yourself when you have completed your degree.
  • It can change your perspective on the world of business. When you are working on your masters of business administration degree, you enter a new network and gain a new skill set but you also may find your perspective on the world of business changes to become more holistic one. You will become more attuned to subtle changes and shifts in the business world. This is why people with this kind of degree can command higher salaries. You will gain an insight into how businesses work. Your insight will make you a valuable asset to any company or organization who hires you when you are done with your program and have your degree.

Many people spend some time working before they begin a master of business administration program. If you do this, you will find getting a master of business administration, either right after college or not, is worth the work and effort.


Introducing Your Child to A Second Language Early On

Written by Reference Book on . Posted in Spanish curriculum for children, Spanish for preschoolers, Spanish story books

Spanish curriculum
Have you ever tried to learn another language and realized that it was a lot harder than it was to learn your first language? That is because you have already passed the period of your life when it is the easiest to pick up another language. You were in this language acquisition period when you first learned English. You probably do not remember learning English, but you picked it up rather quickly and easily. You were surrounded by people who spoke English and you were enrolled in schools that taught you your lessons in English. Without these aspects of the language process, it can be very difficult to learn a second or a third language. However, it can be very beneficial to provide these additional languages to your children during the time they are also learning English.
The earlier that you introduce your child to a foreign language the better, it seems that before the age of 10 is ideal, or even before the age of 5, if possible. Your child is already learning the different language rules of the English language and they are constantly learning new words and terms. Their brain is the most active during these years for language recognition and memorization, making it easier to learn an additional language. Preschool Spanish lessons are ideal for teaching your child Spanish, and they will become more fluent and have an easier time learning the Spanish language.
Many children have access to foreign languages in the school system, but not until they are teenagers and have already passed that language period. Many countries mandate the introduction of foreign language in schools by age eight, while students in the United States often wait until junior or senior high school for their first exposure to a foreign language curriculum, thus only having 4 years of study versus 10 or 12 years when introduced earlier. This contributes to why so many Americans only know their native language of English and have difficulty picking up any new language. Preschool Spanish lessons can really help a child begin the language learning process.
Spanish is a great language to teach young children because it is one of the easier languages to learn and because it is so widely used around the world. According to census reports, Spanish is the second most spoken language in the world. With 387 million native speakers, more people on Earth speak Spanish than English. The opportunities for Spanish speakers across the globe are endless! Preschool Spanish lessons will really open up many job and social opportunities for children when they get older and are fluent in the two most popular languages in the world.
Introducing Spanish to your young child really does not take that much planning or time out of regular lesson plans. Children who are enrolled in a public school setting may have more difficulty being emerged into another language, because the parent does not have control over the types of lessons that are taught. Preschool Spanish and preschool in elementary school are generally not taught in public school systems. However, the parent can introduce the child the Spanish curriculum at home. Children who are homeschooled may have an easier time picking up the language.
Childrens homeschool Spanish curriculum allows parents to introduce the language as they want. A homeschool Spanish curriculum will make the learning of the additional language much easier. Preschool Spanish lessons may also be the ideal time for these lessons to occur.
It is more difficult to learn a second or third language as an adult. When we are children, we are learning the English language and all of the rules and terms that apply to it. If we introduce secondary languages to a child during this language acquisition period, it is actually much easier to pick up the second language. Parents who want their children to learn additional languages should introduce them to these languages as young as possible. This allows them to utilize that language learning period.

Get the Most Out of Going Back to School with These 5 Tips

Written by Reference Book on . Posted in B.a. in psychology, Communications major, Rhode island university

Masters of adult education

Most people think completing college and getting a four year degree is a good way to advance their careers. The majority think their college expenses and tuition were worth it. At least 83% say this. There is plenty of evidence to back that idea up. Employees with at least a bachelor’s degree make more money than those who do not. In fact, people with degrees have a median income of $45,000. People who have attended, but did not finish, college make around $30,000. People with only a high school diploma only make around $28,000. This income data is from Pew Research report from 2012. Most college educated Millennials are employed full time. Nearly 90% had found a job as of 2013. One could argue that students learn the art of effective communications in college but the degree does not help.

  1. Look into your financial options. Whether you are going to college right after high school or if you are going back to school after a decent amount of time away, college is expensive either way. The good news is there may be financing options out there that you do not know about. Talk to the schools you are looking at. They have financial aid offices that may be able to give you ideas. Research options for adult education programs and grants and loans for students who return. Look for programs for, “non-traditional students.”
  2. Take an online class or two. Whether you are going back to school for a bachelors degree or a masters degree, it might be a good idea to take a class or two online before you jump into a full academic program. If you have been away from school for a while, it may take some time to get back into the swing of studying and exams. An online class may be a good way to dip your foot in the academic pool to get yourself ready to complete whatever academic program you want. Some people start with a course in effective communication, for instance, to get started.
  3. Manage your exam anxiety. Many students suffer from exam anxiety. This may be worse when you go back to school after some time away. There are some things you can do to make this easier. It may be tempting to cram all night and to scrimp on your sleep but resist that urge. You have a lot of demands on your time but sleep is not the place to squeeze more out of your day. Prepare a little every day. Be ready for the tests when they come and trust yourself. Take your time when you are taking an exam. Remember to breathe.
  4. Think about the work, life and school balancing act. When you go back to school for any subject after a period of time away, you will find yourself in a different part of your life than many of the students who are going to college right after high school. You have a job and a family when they may not. You need to cut yourself some slack and be good to yourself as you try to juggle everything you have going on. This is where the effective communication skills you are working on will help. Everyone in your life is going to assume that what they need from you is the most important thing you have going. Everyone who juggles a family, school and a job learns much better time management skills.
  5. Find other “non-traditional” students. You are not the only person who has decided to go back to school. Find other students who are in a similar position to you. They will understand what you are going through and what you are trying to accomplish. Their support will help you. Find these students and form a study group. It will help to talk, also they may have ideas about how to handle all of the responsibilities that come along with going back to school.

When you are an older student, you already have more effective communications skills than younger students. Take your time, enjoy your classes and you can enjoy the process. Going back to school can be a good experience.

Workplace-Funded Childcare is a Growing Trend

Written by Reference Book on . Posted in Childcare at work, Childcare in pennsylvania, Daycare

Employer sponsored child care advantages
What are the benefits of enrolling your child in an early learning center for children? An early learning center for children provides childcare as well as an introduction to social skills and learning that will be the foundation of their future lives. Researchers in early child education have found that young children below 5-8 years of age have a unique capacity to learn, which begins to slow down as they grow older. Languages, music, social skills, numbers and much else are absorbed easily.
Childcare options for working parents are expanding to include corporate childcare centers that provide early education as well as child care. Companies with onsite childcare find that there are numerous benefits from this service for parents, children and employers.

A good start with early education
An early learning center for children gets kids off to a good start. Every parent has wondered why children never stop asking questions. That’s because there’s so much for the kids to learn, and they’re literally hard wired to learn. In fact 3-year-olds have about 1,000 trillion connections between the cells in their brains, a sign of active learning. These connections actually decrease over time and adults have only half as many.
This means that during the early childhood years, human beings are biologically able to absorb much more information than at any other time in their lives. That’s why two-year-olds are more active at that age than any other. They’re also learning fast, and adding to their vocabularies at the rate of five new words a day.
An early childhood center for children gives children the tools and activities they need to follow their curiosity about the world and to utilize their learning skills to build a base for lifelong knowledge.

Childcare is a major expense for working parents
Childcare is a major expense, and in the U.S. parents bear about 90% of the financial burden. In fact child care costs for two children exceed the median monthly rent payments in every state. Many parents rely on multiple strategies for childcare, such as child care centers, sharing childcare duties with neighbors, help from the family etc.
A new trend is the creation of corporate childcare facilities, where employers help parents by subsidizing the costs of childcare. Most such facilities are managed by independent contractors who provide their own staff. Such facilities function as early childhood learning centers for children, providing children the fundamentals of learning and social skills.

Childcare and workplace productivity
For parents, children and employers, corporate-sponsored child care has many advantages. For the children, a safe, secure environment where they can learn and play is exactly what they need at that young age. The knowledge that their parents are nearby adds to their feeling of security. For parents too, there is a sense of security in knowing that their kids are nearby and being cared for by qualified and vetted staff.
For employers, the benefits of onsite childcare include employee loyalty, fewer maternity leaves, less absenteeism, better job performance and higher overall productivity. It also contributes to employee retention, making the employer more attractive to working parents and especially to working mothers.

Onsite early childhood learning centers for children help working parents and employers, while providing children a solid foundation for future learning. This is a trend that can be expected to grow in popularity.

Keep Your Company’s Future Bright Sponsor Childcare

Written by Reference Book on . Posted in Childcare berwyn pa, Early child care programs, Looking for corporate daycare

How to choose a daycare center
Imagine a world where all your childcare woes are over. A world where, instead of hiring a wide array of child care professionals to care for your child while you work, you only have to bring your children to a professional, safe place. A world where daycare is the least of your worries. This is not a just a dream, its possible in real life! These are just a few of the many employer sponsored child care advantage, and there are many more.
Corporate daycare facilities are usually childcare options that are provided on-site, or at least subsidized by, companies for the exclusive use of their employees. In return, both the company and employee benefit. Employers with onsite childcare receive the benefit of having workers that are less absent, concentrated and productive. As a result, parents who need childcare in the workplace are significantly more loyal, with higher retention rates. These are just a few of the many employer sponsored child care advantages.
It is convenient. Over 11 million children in the United States are placed in childcare every year. These children represent a wide population of parents who would benefit from these employer sponsored child care advantages. In fact, many parents use a combination of childcare options. Employers with onsite corporate childcare alleviate this need because in this situation, parents only need one!
It is safe. Safety is always a top concern for parents, so it is obvious that it belongs on a list of employer sponsored child care advantages. We know that trusting your child with any other person is the greatest honor and responsibility you can give to them. By providing the top childcare professionals in near proximity to work, parents can focus on work instead of their kids.
It is helpful. Parents spend a significant amount of time finding a daycare for their children. When they do, they often spend a lot of time coordinating transportation to and from this daycare or have to leave work when their children are sick or uncooperative. While a corporate daycare, this scenario no longer exists! Additionally, one of the employer sponsored child care advantages is the money it saves both company and their employees. Normally, childcare costs for two children exceed the average rent payment of a typical American family. Rather than spending their days worrying about their children and how to pay for it, workplace-funded childcare alleviates this stress so employees can focus their jobs.
Have you used employer sponsored child care options or corporate childcare solutions? Tell us about your experience and other employer sponsored child care advantages in the comments!